My Story

My name is Susannah Baffa. I am fourteen years old, home schooled, and the eldest of six children. I have had the desire to do missions work since I was very young and I have always wanted to work with orphans. when my family pursued adoption and we began to learn more about these orphans, met more families who had followed God's calling to adoption; I felt very drawn to Ukraine. I want to go to Ukraine and help work with orphans there to show these children (and the orphanage workers who don't believe this) that they ARE lovable, that they are NOT Fatherless, that they have worth; that they are loved by an amazing God who created them and loves them and will NEVER leave them or forsake them. the LORD has blessed me with the opportunity to go to Ukraine with a friend of our family who works with 'project hopeful ' a not for profit organization. They promote proper education and support for people who have HIV and advocate for hard to place children I.e. down syndrome, HIV, older children, sibling groups.... this friend offered to take me with her this December and next summer if I could raise the necessary funds. Please pray that the LORD would provide the funds and that Any and All glory would be to HIS name. Thank you. In Christ. Susannah Baffa

                                                           JAMES 1:27

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.        


                                                            ACTS 1:8 

and you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit descends upon you; and you shall be my witnesses, in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest parts of the earth.
