Random military vehicles on our way out of Kherson back to Odessa

Alika, Zach and Nastia

Many people... I will tell you their names when I get home and can point to the picture. ;)

Camp fire!!! Left to right, Roma, Mark, Viktor, Nastia, Yulia, Nikita, Kim, Kimberly.
In the back is Thomas.

Doing Rob's signature "how to make everyone smile" routine... L to R, Alika, Rob and Nastia

Our AMAZING translators!! Love them all so much...
L to R, Sergey, Arkadiy, Sergei, Sasha, Andrey, and in the front is Oksanna.

Alika with her sweet note that she pleaded with us not to erase... I told her we could take a picture to save it forever. (I didn't mention that I would have to erase it before leaving but she knows and is content that I have the picture.)

Yegor, Igor and Me

Fully dressed, Kimberly and I were persuaded to join the boys from camp and two of the girls in the big, dirty lake... We had a wonderful time!

Nastia, Me, Kimberly, Alika

Our entire camp!! I miss these guys.... :( :(

We had a mouse in our room and had an all out attempt to capture in kill it... which means- we stood, mainly on our beds, and shone flashlights on it until Mark got there.

Our small group...
L to R,
Me, Ruslan, Sergey, Vika, Ilya, Mark, Kimberly, Vera

Kimberly, Alyona, Me

Alyona and Me
On Monday I went on a last minute trip to the catacombs under Odessa with this wonderful group of guys... As soon as I got in the car Misha pointed out that I was the only girl.

Misha and Arkadiy

Zach is the one sitting, Thomas is not actually trying to look the statue of liberty.... Misha is enjoying the view and Arkadiy is
almost not in the picture so you can't see what he is doing... Oh well, I'll tell you... He is being the mature one and just casually standing on top of an old world war II truck exhibit because in Ukraine you can do that! It's great! (There is even a thousand year old castle fort here that you can visit and walk the walls and go inside and everything.)

Rob and Zach.... being Rob and Zach... (They became the best of friends it was such a fun relationship to see... They are both jokers and goaded each other it was very funny to watch!)

History in the catacombs
We had a great time! After the catacombs we went and got shaurma and baklava. :)
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