I Will Praise You


                                                                           Until I leave! 
I keep having dreams about leaving!  Yesterday we found some warm sweater dresses (that Mrs Heim recommended.) and a sturdy, warm, pair of boots. I am continually awed by God's grace and provision through His people over the last 2 months. 

Your power and love,
provision and grace; 
they overwhelm me.
Every knee will bow, and tongue confess,
that you are LORD.
You are the Father of the fatherless,
comforter of the brokenhearted, 
and husband to the widow.
I lift my hands to you in praise, O God,
My Father, friend, God, Savior, Redeemer,
The One who has called me by grace,
not because of anything I have done or can do;
but because if who you are, and your inexpressible grace. 
I extol you.
I will praise you in the assembly.
You are the first and the last, beginning and end, alpha and omega.
You are the one true God; and I love you O LORD, my God, my maker.
Here I am, with nothing to offer except myself, a life you redeemed, I give back to you.
Use me, for you, and for your glory.
