In Ukraine

I am in Ukraine! The plane trip went well I only was able to sleep for two hours in about 24-27 hours and then I slept for almost twelve hours and woke up very rested! Church was a 4 hour service in Ukrainian, it took us 45 mins including three metro stops to get there and when we left we walked in what turned out to be a group of protesters! It was very calm and we were assured that it was safe by the missionary. We saw St. Sophia's church which is I guess 1000 years old. The metros were crazy and fast and fun! In about an hour we are going back to church for the English service! I will try to post more later. (The Internet service is kind of sketchy) I LOVE it here! It is SO cool!

Here are some pics 
Leaving Chicago 

Our "tables" on the plane. 

This is the airport in Amsterdam (please ignore all the glaring reflections I was losing battery fast and wanted a pic. )
Outside of the apartment in Ukraine where I am! (Take note of the cars on the sidewalks... a common sight in Ukraine.. they also drive along the sidewalks :) )

No snow and nice weather (cold) but nice!

Cultural note: (learned from experience) you don't smile at strangers or you are considered goofy and in my case... They told the person next to him about HOW goofy I was. Ok. No smiling, got it ;). No- just no smiling at strangers - I'm in Ukraine now!

For now, Susannah 

UPDATE: May 29, 2014 After getting back to America and wondering why I could understand "Goofy" so well I realized... I don't know that word in Russian or Ukrainian... so speaking into google translate I received the reason I could understand... the word that sounds very much like the English word "goofy" actually means Stupid.... great! I think I liked "Goofy" better! LOL
