
What is my purpose?
It is a question that haunts probably everyone at some point in their life.
For some they say it is happiness, love, family, wealth, make a difference, even as believers we can tend to have- in some shape or form, have the same ideas.

The Bible tells us that our purpose is to glorify God.

If that isn't even a purpose that is within our radar, not to mention our main desire- we should raise the question- what is occupying my heart and mind more than my Savior?

We are human.
We are created to be worshipers.
If we are not worshiping God we will be worshiping something or someone else.
The first two commandments are 'You shall have no other gods before me" and "You shall not make for yourself an idol"
When I place my own pride before following God's ways, or before being content where He has me I am making myself my idol and god. That is sin and idolatry!!!

Too often I want to change the world 'for God' (and thus, earn "brownie points" with God and man) instead of being content to let God change me and use me where He has me for His glory.

God can speak in thunderous roars, dreams and miraculous signs if He chooses; but more often He speaks in quiet whispers. Dare I reason that He works the same way through us?

More often does He work in the secret prayer of a faithful saint, a caring ear listening to a friend's struggle and offering them truth from His word, a smile and a kind word spoken in His love- than giving us a huge stage, an audience, solving world hunger, adopting a bazillion children and being interviewed on national television.

How often do I sit at home and pout, even cry to God saying, "I want to do something for you!"
and really my heart is saying, "I want to make you love me." "I want people to see what a good christian I am."

God shakes His head and says, "Child! I have given you a mission field, from the time you wake up in the morning to the time that you go to bed at night. To love your family, friends, strangers. To pray with and for them. To encourage them in whatever way you are able to."
He loves me unconditionally. No matter how good I think they look, my good deeds are still offerings of mud pies made in the field where cows graze to the esteemed guest for dessert.

His love is more than I could imagine.
His grace covers all my failings.
His righteous life clothes my sinful life.
His ways are not my ways.

I am not to spend today worrying about my future and purpose but to worship Him for who He is and show that truth to everyone and anyone I come in contact with.

His will for me today is right where I am. I am not promised tomorrow. My job is to live each day as if it is my last for His glory.
When I fail and fall back into self pity, self glorification, pride, etc His mercies are new every morning.

My purpose is to be His servant, in fulfilling that purpose I can find perfect joy and contentment. 


  1. "How often do I sit at home and pout, even cry to God saying, "I want to do something for you!"
    and really my heart is saying, "I want to make you love me." "I want people to see what a good christian I am.""

    Yes. Thank you for sharing your heart and thoughts. Love you!


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